
Drop 5: The Storm

I mentioned in an early post that despite certain disturbances, I’ve had really purposeful sleep and really purposeful dreams….

Two nights ago, I had this dream:

trying to decide where to go… how to go….. a storm was coming…. an earthquake… my traveling partner was worried in sizemic proportions… worried it was the end of the world…. her worry seemed disproportionate to what was happening…. she was worried about lightning… about storms…. about earthquakes… about making it ….her family was worried about her…. she kept frantically making calls, periodically spatting “I’ll call my parents” i kept thinking if we keep going we’ll be ok…. i was perplexed by her worry but didn’t see it getting in the way, or stopping us from going where we were going…..

we planned. we stopped for directions…. we kept looking behind us to see if the storm was coming and after we’d gone so far we realized there was nothing but clear blue sky behind us… i felt like we had nothing to be afraid of after all….. “see?”…. like we’d made it….as we returned our faces forward from the behind, they met eachother for a second. a look of recognition (of realization) crossed my traveling partner’s face… 

It’s it’s interesting…. something deep within my conscious mind knows that the people in my dream were both characterizations of me….. my traveling partner, my friend—a representation of a current state of mind…. and then Me–the driver, the calmer driving force towards wherever we were going… perhaps a representation of a state of mind that’s within me or that i’m working towards…..

So this morning, as i drove under an unraveling pale blue dawn towards work, I replayed this dream. There were no new images that were recalled, but new emotions, new instances within my dreaming mind that I recalled….

I’ll continue to replay, reflect upon this dream and pray that there’s more to come…


5 thoughts on “Drop 5: The Storm

  1. Chrisanne says:

    Isn’t it weird how you can remember such details in some dreams and others you forget? It makes me mad when I have a good one, but can’t recall it by the time morning hits….you just remember you had one. My friend in San Fran is studying holistic health and going into that field. She has a dream workshop this weekend….I bet it is intersting. Most of the time I know the reason behind mine, but I have had plenty of dreams that are so bizarre and random that I have to pull out the dream book to help guide me through it. Goodnight and sweet dreams!


    • sonicleese says:

      i think if we make a conscious effort in our waking life to acknowledge dreams and their significance, remembering them will happen more often….

      … and… i’ve often felt what you’ve described: waking, knowing, not remembering… usually though that feeling is still accompanied by knowing i’ve worked through something…. as in the ‘purposeful’ i’ve been describing….

      … funny thing, i had asked God to give me guidance through dreams…. and he did….

      sweet dreams!


  2. Chrisanne says:

    i had a dream last night i wished i hadn’t remembered. i was in yet another new house only it was kind of dumpy. people there i didn’t know which is rare…usually people i know are in my dreams. i had bought a drink somewhere and after i was half finished the cup was sitting in the light just right and i could see in it…there was a mouse in it ANd it was alive!! the dream went on with me debating calling the health dept. and i ended up outside getting rid of it. bizarre and not a dream i want to have again.


  3. sonicleese says:

    hmmmmm, i’m taking notes…. sounds like there’s something that you’re unsure about and were surprised by… doesn’t seem pleasant but probably useful in some way…..


  4. sonicleese says:

    … i actually knew the face of my companion…. but i’m sure that her persona in the dream was a part of me….


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